Inquirer photographer Eric
Mencher and I spent two weeks in 1998 in Rwanda to gauge the
long-term impact of the genocide. The National Association of Black
Journalists recognized the
five-part series, saying it "is
chacterized by clear, concise writing and is relevant, brings the
issue home and involved travel into dangerous territory - in short,
everything you'd want from a foreign correspondent."
Link to the Stories
years after one of the worst genocides of the 20th century, Rwanda has
barely begun to recover. The spectacle of a half-million people wiped from
the face of the earth has forever stained the lives of virtually every
man, woman and child in the country. The tiny nation in the heart of a
volatile continent remains crushed under the weight of the dead, its
people still terrorized by ethnic murders, still dispossessed, still
afraid of the future."