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Waiting for the Zaire border to open in Gisenyi, 1996. With Hugh Dellios of the Chicago Tribune.
One of the great benefits of digital photography: Instant gratification. In Eritrea, 1999.
Hiking in the Drakensberg, Kwa-Zulu Natal. One reason why it's hard to leave South Africa.
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The view from Lion's Head, overlooking Cape Town and the Atlantic Ocean. 
Amy on Zanzibar with some of her many admirers.
At the Tserona Front in Eritrea, doing the war correspondent thing.
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Caught up iin a crowd in Rwanda during the great migration of refugees in 1996.
Checking the gear and the fear before another hair-raising U.N. flight. Angola, 1999.
Somebody's idea of a joke: Forcing the media to arrive at 5 a.m. for an 11 a.m. event. Waiting for  Mbeki's inauguration. June, 1999.
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Checking for leaks and lizards in the thatch. Rwanda, 1998.
Testing Mobutu's mattress at his Gulu palace. November, 1996.
Interviewing orphans who head households. Rwanda, 1998.
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Filing on a clunky satellite telephone as the sun sets over the Congo in Kinshasa. 1997.
The Rwanda president employs a stack of potatoes as a podium for an impromptu news conference in 1996.
Mine-clearing in Angola, 1997. Notice how the body armor protects the vital organs while leaving the head exposed.
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Kuba invites herself in  a  self-timer shot with Amy, sister Carrie and  brother-in-law Skip at Christmas, 1999.
Rusty King took this photo just before we departed to Africa in 1996.
Weathering Ebola: Gulu, Uganda, November, 2000.
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