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Contras wage war of symbols
Rebels' jungle trek a mission of fits and starts

Photos that accompanied the 1987 Philadelphia Inquirer series:

ŠEd Hille / The Philadelphia Inquirer
Helicopters land at a Nicaraguan Contra basecamp on the Honduras - Nicaragua border.
A contra commander briefs his troops in a jungle clearing
After paying a farmer for his pig a contra slaughters it with an axe.
A CIA plane drops supplies to the contras.
A Nicaraguan contra, laden with his gear, wades across the Rio Boca.
The son of a contra commander parades before the troops.
Contra family members in a basecamp on the Honduras - Nicaragua border.
Contra soldiers cross paths in the jungle with a wounded comrade and exchange greetings
Hille is an Inquirer photo editor. These photos were taken during a five-week trek that he and Maykuth made with the contras into Nicaragua in 1987.
Hille's These and other images can also be viewed at www.PictureDesk.Net. home page   
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